Low-Latency Machine Code Generation
ARM commons shared between AArch32 and AArch64.
Condition code (both AArch32 & AArch64).
(cc - 2) & 0xF
so that kAL
condition code is zero and encoded as 0xE in opcode. This makes it easier to use a condition code as an instruction modifier that defaults to 'al'. Memory offset mode.
Describes either fixed, pre-index, or post-index offset modes.
Shift operation predicate (ARM) describes either SHIFT or EXTEND operation.
Constructs a LSL #value
shift (logical shift left).
Constructs a LSR #value
shift (logical shift right).
Constructs a ASR #value
shift (arithmetic shift right).
Constructs a ROR #value
shift (rotate right).
Constructs a MSL #value
shift (logical shift left filling ones).
Creates [base]
absolute memory operand (AArch32 or AArch64).