Low-Latency Machine Code Generation
Provides formatting functionality to format operands, instructions, and nodes.
Appends a formatted typeId
to the output string sb
Appends a formatted featureId
to the output string sb
See CpuFeatures.
Appends a formatted register to the output string sb
is not provided. Appends a formatted label to the output string sb
Appends a formatted operand to the output string sb
Appends a formatted data-type to the output string sb
Appends a formatted data to the output string sb
Appends a formatted instruction to the output string sb
Appends a formatted node to the output string sb
The node
must belong to the provided builder
Appends formatted nodes to the output string sb
All nodes that are part of the given builder
will be appended.
Appends formatted nodes to the output string sb
This function works the same as formatNode(), but appends more nodes to the output string, separating each node with a newline '
' character.