Low-Latency Machine Code Generation
Tests whether the register is a GPB register (8-bit).
Tests whether the register is a low GPB register (8-bit).
Tests whether the register is a high GPB register (8-bit).
Tests whether the register is a GPW register (16-bit).
Tests whether the register is a GPD register (32-bit).
Tests whether the register is a GPQ register (64-bit).
Tests whether the register is a 32-bit general purpose register, alias of isGpd().
Tests whether the register is a 64-bit general purpose register, alias of isGpq()
Tests whether the register is an XMM register (128-bit).
Tests whether the register is a YMM register (256-bit).
Tests whether the register is a ZMM register (512-bit).
Tests whether the register is a 128-bit vector register, alias of isXmm().
Tests whether the register is a 256-bit vector register, alias of isYmm().
Tests whether the register is a 512-bit vector register, alias of isZmm().
Tests whether the register is an MMX register (64-bit).
Tests whether the register is a K register (64-bit).
Tests whether the register is a segment register.
Tests whether the register is a control register.
Tests whether the register is a debug register.
Tests whether the register is an FPU register (80-bit).
Tests whether the register is a bound register.
Tests whether the register is a TMM register.
Tests whether the register is RIP.