IndexX86 Backendasmjit::x86::InstDB::InstSignature
asmjit::x86::InstDB::InstSignature Struct Reference

Instruction signature.

Contains a sequence of operands' combinations and other metadata that defines a single instruction. This data is used by instruction validator.

Public Members


Member Functions


Mode x86::InstDB::InstSignature::mode() constnoexcept[¶]

Returns instruction operation mode.

bool x86::InstDB::InstSignature::supportsMode(
Mode mode
) constnoexcept[¶]

Tests whether the instruction supports the given operating mode.

uint32_t x86::InstDB::InstSignature::opCount() constnoexcept[¶]

Returns the number of operands of this signature.

uint32_t x86::InstDB::InstSignature::implicitOpCount() constnoexcept[¶]

Returns the number of implicit operands this signature has.

bool x86::InstDB::InstSignature::hasImplicitOperands() constnoexcept[¶]

Tests whether this instruction signature has at least one implicit operand.

const uint8_t* x86::InstDB::InstSignature::opSignatureIndexes() constnoexcept[¶]

Returns indexes to _opSignatureTable for each operand of the instruction.

The returned array always provides indexes for all operands (see Globals::kMaxOpCount) even if the instruction provides less operands. Undefined operands have always index of zero.

uint8_t x86::InstDB::InstSignature::opSignatureIndex(
size_t index
) constnoexcept[¶]

Returns index to _opSignatureTable, corresponding to the requested operand index of the instruction.

const OpSignature& x86::InstDB::InstSignature::opSignature(
size_t index
) constnoexcept[¶]

Returns OpSignature corresponding to the requested operand index of the instruction.

uint8_t x86::InstDB::InstSignature::_opCount[¶]

Count of operands in opIndex (0..6).

uint8_t x86::InstDB::InstSignature::_mode[¶]

Architecture modes supported (X86 / X64).

uint8_t x86::InstDB::InstSignature::_implicitOpCount[¶]

Number of implicit operands.

uint8_t x86::InstDB::InstSignature::_reserved[¶]

Reserved for future use.

uint8_t x86::InstDB::InstSignature::_opSignatureIndexes[Globals::kMaxOpCount][¶]

Indexes to OpSignature table.