Low-Latency Machine Code Generation
Architecture traits used by Function API and Compiler's register allocator.
Returns stack pointer register id.
Returns stack frame register id.
Returns link register id, if the architecture provides it.
Returns instruction pointer register id, if the architecture provides it.
Returns a hardware stack alignment requirement.
Tests whether the architecture provides link register, which is used across function calls.
If the link register is not provided then a function call pushes the return address on stack (X86/X64).
Returns minimum addressable offset on stack guaranteed for all instructions.
Returns maximum addressable offset on stack depending on specific instruction.
Returns ISA flags of the given register group
Tests whether the given register group
has the given flag
Tests whether the ISA provides register swap instruction for the given register group
Tests whether the ISA provides push/pop instructions for the given register group
Returns an operand signature from the given register type
of this architecture.
Returns a register from the given register type
of this architecture.
Returns a register size the given register type
of this architecture.
Returns a corresponding TypeId
from the given register type
of this architecture.
Returns a table of ISA word names that appear in formatted text.
Word names are ISA dependent.
The index of this table is log2 of the size:
Returns an ISA word name identifier of the given index
, see typeNameIdTable() for more details.
Returns a const reference to ArchTraits
for the given architecture arch
Stack pointer register id.
Frame pointer register id.
Link register id.
Instruction pointer (or program counter) register id, if accessible.
Hardware stack alignment requirement.
Minimum addressable offset on stack guaranteed for all instructions.
Maximum addressable offset on stack depending on specific instruction.
Flags for each virtual register group.
Maps register type into a signature, that provides group, size and can be used to construct register operands.
Maps a register to type-id, see TypeId.
Maps scalar TypeId values (from TypeId::_kIdBaseStart) to register types, see TypeId.
Word name identifiers of 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-biit, and 64-bit quantities that appear in formatted text.