IndexZone Memoryasmjit::ZoneBitVector
asmjit::ZoneBitVector Class Reference

Zone-allocated bit vector.

Public Members



Public Types


Member Functions

Construction & Destruction
Overloaded Operators
Memory Management

bool ZoneBitVector::empty() constnoexcept[¶]

Tests whether the bit-vector is empty (has no bits).

uint32_t ZoneBitVector::size() constnoexcept[¶]

Returns the size of this bit-vector (in bits).

uint32_t ZoneBitVector::capacity() constnoexcept[¶]

Returns the capacity of this bit-vector (in bits).

uint32_t ZoneBitVector::sizeInBitWords() constnoexcept[¶]

Returns the size of the BitWord[] array in BitWord units.

uint32_t ZoneBitVector::capacityInBitWords() constnoexcept[¶]

Returns the capacity of the BitWord[] array in BitWord units.

BitWord* ZoneBitVector::data()noexcept[1/2][¶]

Returns bit-vector data as BitWord[].

const BitWord* ZoneBitVector::data() constnoexcept[2/2][¶]

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

void ZoneBitVector::and_(
const ZoneBitVector& other

Performs a logical bitwise AND between bits specified in this array and bits in other.

If other has less bits than this then all remaining bits are set to zero.

The size of the BitVector is unaffected by this operation.

void ZoneBitVector::andNot(
const ZoneBitVector& other

Performs a logical bitwise AND between bits specified in this array and negated bits in other.

If other has less bits than this then all remaining bits are kept intact.

The size of the BitVector is unaffected by this operation.

void ZoneBitVector::or_(
const ZoneBitVector& other

Performs a logical bitwise OP between bits specified in this array and bits in other.

If other has less bits than this then all remaining bits are kept intact.

The size of the BitVector is unaffected by this operation.

BitWord* ZoneBitVector::_data = nullptr[¶]


uint32_t ZoneBitVector::_size = 0[¶]

Size of the bit-vector (in bits).

uint32_t ZoneBitVector::_capacity = 0[¶]

Capacity of the bit-vector (in bits).