IndexVirtual Memoryasmjit::JitAllocator::Statistics
asmjit::JitAllocator::Statistics Struct Reference

Statistics about JitAllocator.

Public Members

Member Functions

void JitAllocator::Statistics::reset()noexcept[¶]

Resets the statistics to all zeros.

size_t JitAllocator::Statistics::blockCount() constnoexcept[¶]

Returns count of blocks managed by JitAllocator at the moment.

size_t JitAllocator::Statistics::allocationCount() constnoexcept[¶]

Returns the number of active allocations.

size_t JitAllocator::Statistics::usedSize() constnoexcept[¶]

Returns how many bytes are currently used.

size_t JitAllocator::Statistics::unusedSize() constnoexcept[¶]

Returns the number of bytes unused by the allocator at the moment.

size_t JitAllocator::Statistics::reservedSize() constnoexcept[¶]

Returns the total number of bytes reserved by the allocator (sum of sizes of all blocks).

size_t JitAllocator::Statistics::overheadSize() constnoexcept[¶]

Returns the number of bytes the allocator needs to manage the allocated memory.

size_t JitAllocator::Statistics::_blockCount[¶]

Number of blocks JitAllocator maintains.

size_t JitAllocator::Statistics::_allocationCount[¶]

Number of active allocations.

size_t JitAllocator::Statistics::_usedSize[¶]

How many bytes are currently used / allocated.

size_t JitAllocator::Statistics::_reservedSize[¶]

How many bytes are currently reserved by the allocator.

size_t JitAllocator::Statistics::_overheadSize[¶]

Allocation overhead (in bytes) required to maintain all blocks.