asmjit::FuncValuePack Struct Reference

Contains multiple FuncValue instances in an array so functions that use multiple registers for arguments or return values can represent all inputs and outputs.

Member Functions

Initialization & Reset

void FuncValuePack::reset()noexcept[¶]

Resets all values in the pack.

uint32_t FuncValuePack::count() constnoexcept[¶]

Calculates how many values are in the pack, checking for non-values from the end.

FuncValue* FuncValuePack::values()noexcept[1/2][¶]

Returns values in this value in the pack.

The returned array has exactly Globals::kMaxValuePack elements.

const FuncValue* FuncValuePack::values() constnoexcept[2/2][¶]

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

void FuncValuePack::resetValue(
size_t index

Resets a value at the given index in the pack, which makes it unassigned.

bool FuncValuePack::hasValue(
size_t index

Tests whether the value at the given index in the pack is assigned.

void FuncValuePack::assignReg(
size_t index,
const BaseReg& reg,

Assigns a register at the given index to reg and an optional typeId.

void FuncValuePack::assignReg(
size_t index,
RegType regType,
uint32_t regId,

Assigns a register at the given index to regType, regId, and an optional typeId.

void FuncValuePack::assignStack(
size_t index,
int32_t offset,

Assigns a stack location at the given index to offset and an optional typeId.

FuncValue& FuncValuePack::operator[](
size_t index

Accesses the value in the pack at the given index.

The maximum index value is Globals::kMaxValuePack - 1.

const FuncValue& FuncValuePack::operator[](
size_t index
) const[2/2][¶]

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

FuncValue FuncValuePack::_values[Globals::kMaxValuePack][¶]

Values of the pack.